Customized Training, Consultation, & Collaboration

Through our consultation services, we are able to create tailor-made training and supports to address your particular needs.
Career Planning
We understand it truly takes a village to assist someone in reaching their dreams. We understand the importance of including family, friends, providers, and other community supporters in the planning process. We provide small and large group instruction, as well as team-based instruction, around Career Planning, the Job Seeking process, and how a person’s supporters can assist them in reaching their goals.


“Transition services” in the context of Employment For All is a coordinated set of activities for young people with disabilities designed to facilitate the young person’s journey from school to post-school activities including:
- post-secondary education
- vocational education
- employment
- continuing and adult education,
- independent living in their community.
We believe students best succeed when given opportunities to make informed decisions throughout their lives. It is crucial to include parents, teachers, paraprofessionals, and peers in the career planning process which we call our transitional support services.
On the Job Accommodations