Wellness Strategies

Today many of us are taking more active control of our health through choices in diet, exercise, lifestyle and spiritual practices.
We are dedicated to making these practices accessible to everyone. Wellness strategies are integrated into all our areas of consultation to promote physical and mental health.
Sensory Processing
We understand ourselves and the world through body senses and external senses. These sensory experiences impact our feelings about our ourselves, others, relationships and how we interact with our environment. We can assist with understanding sensory differences and developing strategies for comfortable living.

From learning strategies to help us reduce stress, feel refreshed, or focus better, to ensuring that we all have access to alternative wellness practices such as yoga, massage, and more, we can help. We also offer trainings in regards to sensory processing, understanding sensory differences, and developing strategies to create an individualized sensory toolbox.
Topics may include:
- Accessible movement exercises
- Promote awareness of wellness strategies and healthful habits
- Wellness podcasts and webinars
- Stress reduction strategies
- Sensory Processing and Comfort

We support individuals in identifying and implementing wellness strategies. We help people develop an awareness of sensory processing and how it impacts their daily life and the life of others. Networks can help you develop a sensory toolbox for yourself or someone you support. We also support the wellness community to be more welcoming to all.
Examples may include:
- Individual consultation for wellness strategies
- Fostering an understanding of the importance of access to wellness services in the disability community